Pray with the Pope

En Youtube Thumbnail Tpv 2 2025 For Vocations To The Priesthood And Religious Life

February Prayer Intention

For vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.

Visit the website of Pray With the Pope

Mass of Thanksgiving


The Jesuit Community in Glasgow, the Headteacher of St Aloysius’ College, the Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, the Parish Priest of St Aloysius’ Church and the Coordinator of the St Aloysius Refugee Language School warmly invite all our friends and colleagues, parishioners, parents, families and young people, our pupils & Old Aloysians to a Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate our shared mission and life.

Friday 21 March,

6.00 pm

St Aloysius’ Church

followed by a reception in St Aloysius’ College Hall.

RSVP Mrs J McWilliams at by Friday 14th March

All are welcome!

Weekend Workshop

Life before Death: The Psychology of Flourishing

Presented by Fr Roger Dawson SJ
April 11- 13, Kinnoul Monastery, Perth.

Click here for more details

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