News and Documents of Interest

NO to Assisted Suicide

Click the image above to watch Dr Gillian Wright being interviewed by Fr Gerard Mitchell SJ on Liam McArthur's Assisted Dying (Scotland) Bill which will soon be debated in Holyrood.

Please contact your MSP to oppose this proposal which will put the most vulnerable people at risk.

The Care Not Killing petition is available for signing at the back of the church and also be completed online at Care Not Killing Scotland – promoting palliative care – opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide

The Future of the Jesuits in Scotland

Over the last few years the Jesuit community in Glasgow and Edinburgh has engaged in a process of discernment in depth about our mission in Scotland. That process has now been concluded by the Jesuit Provincial.
The process has confirmed that we should maintain our presence in Glasgow and Edinburgh and that we should continue to focus our efforts on the five works which we have maintained hitherto: St Aloysius Parish, Garnethill and Sacred Heart Parish Lauriston, St Aloysius College, the Ignatian Spirituality Centre Glasgow and the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre.

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