Useful Links
The Church in Scotland
- Glasgow Archdiocese Official page for the nine deaneries of Glasgow.
- Catholic Parliamentary Office - Latest News
- Scottish Catholic Media Office The SCMO provides a service to the press and media, offering them information and guidance on the activities of the Church in Scotland.
- Catholic Scotland The Bishop's Conference of Scotland.
- SCIAF Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund
- Justice and Peace Scotland National Commission for Justice and Peace.
- The Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative Providing an alternative to abortion.
- Priests For Scotland Scottish Bishops' site for Vocations and Priests.
- Information about opportunities in Scotland for adult Catholics to grow in faith
- New translation of our Missal
- The Pontifical Scots College Our college in Rome since 1600.
International Catholic News
- The Vatican Rome
- Vatican Radio Vatican TV and Radio
- Independent Catholic News Daily Catholic online news service for the UK
- Catholic Encyclopedia A full information resource on everything Catholic (but dated: compiled in 1917 - The 1967 New Catholic Encyclopedia is not online)
- Catholic Online Offers information and services to the Catholic Community
- Catholic.Net Features the latest news from Rome, articles from Catholic magazines, Papal encyclicals, Church documents and devotional services.